Happier. Healthier. Wealthier. More engaged. Simply better.
In this thought-provoking book, V. Thomas George, M.D. MSc. draws upon research and ideas from fields as varied as finance, economics, psychology, and medicine to present a scientifically sound solution for a better and healthier way of living so simple and yet so compelling. What follows will be nothing short of transformational for you and a prescription for a paradigm shift for much that afflicts our modern society.
"Most of the world's population today lives in countries where problems related to being overweight or obese kill more people than problems related to being underweight. Perhaps you’ve managed to avoid these chronic ailments, but even so, about 99 percent of Americans fail to meet well-established standards for a healthy lifestyle."

Health in Flames have more time for family and friends, more time for being physically engaged, more time to spend helping children, more time for civic engagement, and more time for creative ventures and pursuits, surely that is better than the status quo. This book is about optimizing the conditions whereby human beings thrive, not just survive.

Health in Flames