
How to Solve the Problem of Animal Cruelty

Chickens… often times are so top heavy that they are unable to stand. To save space, the birds are cramped into cages on top of one another and cannot even spread their wings.

Pigs, which are intelligent and sensitive animals, live their life in confinement without fresh air or sunlight, much less windows. They can barely turn around in their cages. In fact, the only time they do so is on their way to the slaughter house. A milk cow fares no better (read more)…

Alarming Surge in Obesity Sweeps Across the Globe

Select any country in the chart below (click “+add country”). You’ll see rates of overweight and obesity are increasing over time everywhere without exception.  Disturbingly, as mentioned in Health in Flames, America has the highest rates of obesity (with the exception of small nations of less than 5million people).  Over half the world will have …

Alarming Surge in Obesity Sweeps Across the Globe Read More »

Global Health is improving – BUT we’re on the wrong Track

Worldwide over the decades often led by the United States, health outcomes have improved dramatically in many ways.  Below, I highlight some major improvements to our health and wellbeing, discuss the causes, and yet contrary to what is clearly encouraging news, I conclude that we’re on the wrong track. I suggest a new direction forward. …

Global Health is improving – BUT we’re on the wrong Track Read More »
